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Price excludes delivery, which is applied at checkout. Orders will be processed in INR

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Shipping & Delivery Policy

Delivery charge depends on each tollernuts product.

Estimated delivery:

Our estimated time to dispatch the order is 2 to 3 working days wherein the same may also vary due to the unavailability of the product.

Once the order is dispatched, the estimated delivery time is 7 – 8 working days and the same may vary depending upon the destination at which you want the order to be shipped.

Your shipping address and PIN Code will be verified with the database of tollernuts. In the event case, your order is not serviceable by our delivery partners or the merchant or the area is not covered, we would request you to provide us with an alternate shipping address which we expect to have in our partner/merchant's delivery list. In case there is any dispute regarding the shipment of the product or service for the area not covered by tollernuts, in that case, tollernuts will not be responsible for the non-delivery of the product.

In case you book multiple orders for the products and services in one transaction, tollernuts would endeavor to ship all products together. However, this may not always be possible due to some product characteristics or logistics' issues. If you purchase multiple products in single transaction, then all the products would be dispatched to a single shipping address given by you. If you wish to ship products to different addresses, then you should book the orders separately based on the delivery addresses.