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About Walnuts

Walnuts are round nuts with single seeds that grows on trees. They are a good source of healthful fats, protein, and fiber, and has many benefits.

Good for the brain

Walnuts contain high amounts of polyunsaturated fats that provides potential benefits for both brain health and its performance. Omega-3 fatty acids helps in reducing the oxidative stress in the brain, and also improves brain signaling and neurogenesis, which is created by neurons.

Promotes heart health

Walnuts promote hearth health and its consumption may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Research suggests that whole walnuts can improve cholesterol levels and markers for inflammation, which is also connected to a reduced risk of heart disease.

About Pistachio

Pistachios are not only a source of garnishing, but also is one of the healthiest food items. They are nutritional powerhouses loaded with antioxidants including, lutein, beta-carotene and gamma-tocopherol. They prevent cell damage which reduces the risk of diseases. They are also rich in protein, fibre, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B6, thiamin, folate, vitamin B5 and minerals like potassium, calcium, copper, phosphorus and manganese. Pistachios are also a source of essential fatty acids.

May help to control blood sugar levels

Despite having many fatty acids, the glycemix index of pistachios are low. Pistachios help reduce blood sugar levels and control them. Some studies suggest that pistas help increase the peptide 1 levels. It is a hormone that regulates glucose levels in diabetic patients. Another study results suggest the fibres and healthy fats present in pista are beneficial for blood glucose control in the long term.

Help to improve vision

Pistachios are rich in nutrients that are essential for your eye health. It contains lutein and zeaxanthin which are present in the human retina. If you consume enough of these antioxidants, vision issues like age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, could be prevented. These are also rich in zinc that helps in reducing the risk of impaired night vision.

About Almonds

Almonds may offer a number of health benefits as they contain vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. Just a handful of almonds is equivalent to one-eighth of a person’s daily protein needs.

They May Help Boost Your Heart Health

Almonds can help keep your ticker in shape. As per a study that observed 48 healthy adults with high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, which is linked to heart disease, eating 1.5 oz of almonds regularly for six weeks,lead to a decrease in the LDL cholesterol along with their belly fat as compared to people who ate the same number of calories in a muffin. (The diet of both the groups contained the same amount of cholesterol and saturated fat.) The authors conclude that replacing a higher carbohydrate snack with almonds may be a heart-healthy swap.

They Could Help Improve Your Overall Diet

As per research adding almonds to your daily diet could improve your overall diet, without actually increasing the total amount of calories one usually consumes. A small study that observed 29 parents and their children, who were made to eat 1.5 and 0.5 0z of almonds, for three weeks on a regular basis, saw that their diets improved drastically. The nuts also influenced the microbiota of the participants (particularly the children); this set of bacteria in the gut plays a role in the immunity and health.

About Saffron

Saffron is one of the unique spices not only because it is the most expensive spice, but also because of its many health benefits. What makes saffron so expensive is that it is a labor-intensive crop. Itsexquisite crimson stigmas are hand-picked and then cured over heat to amplify theflavor.

Protects against cancer

Saffron contains a dark orangecarotenecalled crocin, which is soluble in water. Crocintriggers apoptosis [programmed cell death] in various types of human cancer cells. Researchers have discovered that saffron and its active components display a capability to inhibit human malignant cells. The spice inhibits cells which are cancerous, and helps the normal cells in stimulating their formation and that of lymphocytes [immune cells that help destroy cancer cells].

Promotes learning and memory retention

Recent studies have confirmed that the saffron extractis useful in the treatment of age-related mental impairment. In Japan, it is encapsulated and used to treat Parkinson’s disease, memory loss and inflammation.